March Contest Winner – Ryan Rogers of Spring Chickens

By: thehatandfat

Mar 30 2014

Category: Comic Strip


So we did voting a little different this time and I think it worked out well. We let folks vote on Facebook by liking the caption they found the most funny. This time the winner was Mr. Ryan Rogers of If you’re not familiar with the clever insanity that is Spring Chickens then you’ve been missing out. I suggest you get right over there and click through a few.

So let’s all wish a big congrats to Ryan.

11 comments on “March Contest Winner – Ryan Rogers of Spring Chickens”

  1. Congrats, Ryan. You win again. But not for long. Until next time…Dun dun dunnnnnn! :OP

  2. I feel like the smoking crack pipe wasn’t used to its utmost potential :X

  3. Congrats Ryan! That was perfect for this image! 😀

  4. Dayum that’s nasty!

  5. That’s brilliant, well done Ryan 😀

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