October Contest Winner

By: thehatandfat

Oct 27 2013

Category: Comic Strip


Here is the winner of our October Write the Joke Contest. It comes to us from Sara Zimmerman the magnificent creator of Unearthed Comics. Though there were a lot of great entries again this month, this one made me belly laugh. Great job, Sara. If you’re not familiar with Sara, or Unearthed Comics, I highly recommend checking her out. They are hilarious. Her comics tap into a broad range from science, technology, health, environment to hiking. Right now she’s in the midst of trying to get an Unearthed Comic book Kickstarted, so I’d also ask that you drop some coin that way as well.

Unearthed Comics Kickstarter

You can check Sara out multiple places by clicking these links:

Unearthed Comics


You can follow her on:


or Facebook

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